Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pug 206 GTI PS Teasers

Here are some teaser shots from this weekend's detail... full write up to follow. My 1st try at Photoshop to add watermarks.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Broke Back Outback

My next door neighbor kindly asked me to do a clean up of their outback, no correction to be done the paintwork. The car goes up to the Barossa 3 times a week, so it has a nasty collection of bugs and dirt, accompanied by months upon months of baked on brake dust on the wheels.

Here are some of before pictures

Door shuts


Front grille

Bugs... casualties...

Wheels and tyres

Soaked wheel wells with Ali King, tyres were scrubbed with G101 and wheels done with PB S&R and agitated with assorted brushes

Rinsed off

Nice and clean even on the insides of the wheels :)

Pre-soaked with TW39 and let dwell while I tackle the door shuts, fuel cap, trims with G101

After 2BM and a rinsed off... its already looking much better.

Checking out the swirls... not too bad actually.

All done, both interior and exterior trims plus seats were dressed with 303, Fast Glass on all windows, Meg's Endurance on tyres and a coat of DG AW to give it some protection.

Hmm... a reflection shot off the side door of the wheel

As I was loosing light very fast I didn't get too many after shots. Finished up with a final buff and also took care of those exhaust tips. All in all took me 4+ hrs... it 's larger than I initially thought it was. Hope fully it comes back to me for a clay, light polish and a good Duragloss treatment, which will see it through a couple of months of protection.